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Sketchup Plugins 2d Tools

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Layers Panel for sketchup Unwrap and Flatten Faces EASYSKETCH Kitchen Design Plugin 2015 Click-Cuisine for sketchup Oob Layouts for sketchup edddison LT for sketchup Trimble MEPdesigner for SketchUp s4u - to Components FluidRay RT Plugin for SketchUp designPH plugin Visualizer for Sketchup 1.1 Twilight Render 2.0 DrawAlong 1.0 for sketchup Light Up sketchup plugin features PathCopy. 3D SketchUp Community for Design and Engineering Professionals. The 2D Tools are. 2D Set Z-plane 2D Line. 20131206 Temp files in Plugins subfolder avoided. Tools are anything that is built into the Sketchup software. That means the stuff that you can use right after you install the program. Example: Distance, Move, Push/Pull, Rotate, etc. Plugins are bits of code that can be added into Sketchup after the initial install to provide additional features. New Plugin Scale By Tools For SketchUp - TutorialsUp. Download Exercise Files/3d Model. Top 20 Most Useful Plugins For SketchUp. New Plugin Scale By.

  1. Sketchup Plugins 2d Tools Tutorial
  2. Sketchup Plugins 2d Tools Free
  3. 2d Drawing Sketchup
  4. 2d Sketchup Free
  5. Sketchup Tool List
  6. Download Plugin Sketchup

Sketchup Automation Tools is a ProductiveToolbar Launcher, and it is special maked for Sketchup Pro Software,you can Speedup all your Painting Movements and Saved more then 50%of your Time. With this Launcher you can forget searching intoMenuBars instead of that you have All your Favorite Toolbar Buttonsdirect in visual area, and you do not have to remember all theseKeyboard Shortcuts Combinations you can forget using aKeyboard Device this is ideal for Windows Tablets.


Are you an aspiring creative designer? We are pleased to announcethat you have arrived at just the right place! Our software SketchUpAutomation Tools exist to help you create 2D and 3D designs. To beable to use the tool well and come up with awesome designs, you haveto adhere to some tips.

We dedicate this page to exploring these tips and how they may comein handy. Be advised to read through the tips diligently to be ableto obtain the inspiration you need.

With Sketchup Automation Tools

  • You can getthe Painting Job done in Less of Time.
  • You do Havea Better Workings Flow.
  • You areAble to Reduce Distance Movements. (More then 50%)
  • And you areable to Speeding up all your Computer Movements. (More then 50%)
  • Working onDesign will be Easier & you Have more Fun.
  • Para-metrics Designing Improvements.
  • You canStaying Always on your Mouse Device.
  • You do notneed to use a Keyboard Device.
  • And you donot Need to Search into the MenuBars to find the right Tool or tofind the right Keyboard Shortcuts Combo's
  • This isGuaranteed The Fastest Way to Work in Sketchup Pro Software.

What is SketchUp? (3d Modelling)


SketchUp is basically a 3D modeling computer software program whichyou use to draw and make designs. You will find it applicable invarious fields. The video game designs, films, mechanical and civilengineering, landscape architecture, interior design, and generalconstruction are top examples of these.

Other than creating the 3D models, the software also gives you thepower to edit both the 2D and the 3D models. These models need notnecessarily be derived from or have been created by the software.You have the option of importing some designs from external sources.

What can you do With SketchUp pro?

This is a cross-platform version of the SketchUp automation tools.This simply means it allows you to do more than just create designs.It lets you bring in designs from external sources and formats andedit them within the software.

Other than that, it also lets you ‘export' the final products toforeign platforms. Then, it still possesses the bare minimum set oftools and accessories which the ordinary version contains. You mayhence use it to perform those chores as well.

For who is SketchUp Automation Tools make for?


Engineers rely on designs a lot to actualize their plans andstructures. They will, therefore, find this software quite handy fortheir use and applications. By use of this software, they willgenerate models which they later translate to real-life buildingstructures.


Architects are by far the most significant users of this softwareprogram. Given the detailed and complicated nature of mostmodern-day building structures, the architects have to rely on anequally ingenious design software of this kind to generate thosedesigns.

Film Makers

Though primarily intended for building and construction chores,this software also finds extensive applicability in matters of filmmaking. It is used to generate virtual 2D and 3D images. These areadorned in such a way as to give out some illusions of reality.

Creative Designers

Lastly, creative designers also rely on software of this kind togenerate awesome adverts and marketing campaigns. Given its uncannyability to produce real images from virtual designs, the softwarecan help to generate some illusions of reality significantly.

The Best Functions in SketchUp Pro Software

Though this software is full of tools and functionality, some fourstand apart from the rest. Below are the top


This is a wizard which comes in the forms of large icons and acustomizable set of toolbars. All these are targeted to thebeginners as they are simpler to utilize and are also veryeffective. If you are getting started, this is the feature to placeyour bet on.

Trimble's 3D Warehouse

Desiring to design a house? You will have the 3D Warehouse featurefor your reliance. In its entirety, this is basically an assortmentof 3D models which you may download and modify later to generateyour architectural designs. You also get to gain access to manyshared files and designs.

Seamless Compatibility

By all accounts, this software is compatible with a vast range offile types like those of the AutoCAD's .dxf and .dwf files. Courtesyof this compatibility, you will enjoy smooth transitions andoperations at all times of your designs.

An assortment of Built-in Features

Lastly, the software also contains an assortment of built-infeatures. Examples of these are animations, lighting effects, andtextures. You use them to make your final outcomes more presentableand appealing to an end-user. Moreover, it also accommodatesmany plugins which extend its range.


How does SketchUp Automation Tools Work?

SketchUp Automation Tools as their names imply require nomuch effort on your part. Instead, they accept prompts from you andthereafter implement them without any much attention from youthereafter

With these tools, it is possible for you to build models which inturn generate 2D plans. All you have to do is key in the necessaryprompts and the software automatically translates the same to somevisual appearances.

Then, the software also automates layers, scenes, and shadows. Inthis way, it lets you figure out how these issues might arise inreal life. In the course of doing so, the tools maintain a higherdegree of precision which sees to it that you attain accurateoutcomes.

Unlike other automation tools, this one maintains everything youdraw in a parametric so you can change your model any time you wish.This again ensures that all your dimensions are accurate enough asto ward off any inconsistencies.

Pc Tips for Better Workflow on SketchUp Pro Software.

We started out by stating that you need to adhere to some tipswhile utilizing this wonderful automation tool. In this segment ofthe discussions, we now examine the three top PC tips whichhave been noted to guarantee better workflow on the SketchUp ProSoftware.

'LEAVES - The Return' is an artistic exploration and puzzle-adventure filled with real sculptures in a surreal dreamscape. This sequel to 'LEAVES - The Journey' is a stand-alone addition and playable without any knowledge of the first part. Collect and combine, solve a plethora of puzzles and mini games that will challenge your wit and skill. 'Return of the Mack' is a song written and recorded by the British R&B singer Mark Morrison with backing vocals from Angie Brown. The video was released in the United Kingdom in March 1996 and in the United States in February 1997, attracting 110 million views on YouTube by August 2020. Leaves - the return for macbeth. Buy LEAVES - The Return as a Steam Key. 'LEAVES - The Return' is an artistic exploration and puzzle-adventure filled with real sculptures in a surreal dreamscape. This sequel to 'LEAVES - The Journey' is a stand-alone addition and playable without any knowledge of the first part.

Tip #1: Utilize the Components and Groups

While working on your project, you will incorporate a lot ofobjects and models. These take up plenty of space and are largelystrewn apart. To make your life easier, you are advised to utilizethe components and the groups.

This is to prevent a situation where you have to save each file onits own. At the same time, it frees much of the space you wouldotherwise devote to containing those files. Moreover, bundlingindividual components together also makes it easier to access them.Your work will hence be a breeze later.

Tip #2: Alter your Display Styles

The default SketchUp view contains many options which aredeliberately activated. While they allow you to easily juggle yourway, they slow down the software considerably. Moreover, manyoptions are largely irrelevant to you at any given time.

That is why you are strongly advised to alter the display styles.Choose only those ones which are relevant to the task you have athand. For a start, you may consider unchecking the 'Shadow settings'as they are largely irrelevant for many design tasks.

Tip #3: Make use of the shortcuts

Shortcuts, as their name implies, are designed to make your workfaster and more conveniently. It is for this reason that you want tomake use of them extensively. These shortcuts come in various formsand shades.

Though available in many shades and forms, the hotkeys are the mostpopular shortcuts. Apart from prioritizing them, you also want toassign them as favorites. In this way, you will access them fasterand more conveniently later on when you need them.

What is the Difference between SketchUp Pro and SketchUpFree/Make?

For a start, the SketchUp Pro is a premium version of the SketchUpautomation tools. It does contain extra features and capabilitieswhich its free counterpart lacks. This gives it the ability to bringin added benefits and power of imagination to you.

Among these are the ability to import and export work, edit designswhich are generated by foreign automation tools, and add some valueto your drawings, to mention but a few! It does cost a premiumthough and is hence beyond the reach of many who would badly need it

Generally speaking, the SketchUp Free/Make is good for a starter orsomeone who has never attempted to use these kinds of designsoftware before. The SketchUp Pro, on the other hand, is for aprofessional, and in most cases, an experienced user.

SketchUp Pro Software vs. SketchUp Automation Tools Software.

SketchUp Pro Software is mainly useful for handling those taskswhich require extensive use of manual labor. These tasks are simplerin scope though and as such call for much input of physical labor.Being simpler, it is suitable for use by those who have a moderatelevel of expertise.

The SketchUp Automation Tools Software, on the other hand, is meantfor those long and strenuous chores. Being automated, it does notrequire that you put in too much of your effort and attention.Considering that it is complicated, it will need you to beexperienced and full of expertise.

Dynamic Toolbars vs. Static Toolbars.

To implement the various actions and achieve the desired ends, youwill have to make use of some toolbars. These are basically bundlesof icons which when clicked, let you perform certain task andactions. SketchUp Automation Tools Software contains two kinds oftools.

Sketchup Plugins 2d Tools Tutorial

These are the dynamic and the static tools respectively. The dynamictools always move with the arrow to whichever direction wherethe mouse points. They hence cut down the hassles you will otherwisehave to contend with while generating your own designs.

Their static toolbar counterparts, on the other hand, stayfixed in one location, mostly at the top. You will have to gothrough some hassles to be able to have your way. Thankfully, thistoolbar is found only in the basic versions of the software.


It is definitely impossible to exhaust all that the software has instore for you. You must just go ahead and try it out to be able tounderstand it fully and make the most of it. Having done our part,we now leave it to you to purchase and install it? As always, youmay get back to us for further advice and guidance if you happen toget stuck.

Sketchup Plugins 2d Tools Free

How does the [Push/Pull] Function Work

In the course of your designs, you might want to project flat or2D faces or surfaces onto 3D shapes. The push/pull function is theone to use at such times. You engage it merely by clicking as youwould any other kind of tool. After clicking, you move your cursoruntil you obtain the outcome you so desire.


SketchUp is basically a 3D modeling computer software program whichyou use to draw and make designs. You will find it applicable invarious fields. The video game designs, films, mechanical and civilengineering, landscape architecture, interior design, and generalconstruction are top examples of these.

Other than creating the 3D models, the software also gives you thepower to edit both the 2D and the 3D models. These models need notnecessarily be derived from or have been created by the software.You have the option of importing some designs from external sources.

What can you do With SketchUp pro?

This is a cross-platform version of the SketchUp automation tools.This simply means it allows you to do more than just create designs.It lets you bring in designs from external sources and formats andedit them within the software.

Other than that, it also lets you ‘export' the final products toforeign platforms. Then, it still possesses the bare minimum set oftools and accessories which the ordinary version contains. You mayhence use it to perform those chores as well.

For who is SketchUp Automation Tools make for?


Engineers rely on designs a lot to actualize their plans andstructures. They will, therefore, find this software quite handy fortheir use and applications. By use of this software, they willgenerate models which they later translate to real-life buildingstructures.


Architects are by far the most significant users of this softwareprogram. Given the detailed and complicated nature of mostmodern-day building structures, the architects have to rely on anequally ingenious design software of this kind to generate thosedesigns.

Film Makers

Though primarily intended for building and construction chores,this software also finds extensive applicability in matters of filmmaking. It is used to generate virtual 2D and 3D images. These areadorned in such a way as to give out some illusions of reality.

Creative Designers

Lastly, creative designers also rely on software of this kind togenerate awesome adverts and marketing campaigns. Given its uncannyability to produce real images from virtual designs, the softwarecan help to generate some illusions of reality significantly.

The Best Functions in SketchUp Pro Software

Though this software is full of tools and functionality, some fourstand apart from the rest. Below are the top


This is a wizard which comes in the forms of large icons and acustomizable set of toolbars. All these are targeted to thebeginners as they are simpler to utilize and are also veryeffective. If you are getting started, this is the feature to placeyour bet on.

Trimble's 3D Warehouse

Desiring to design a house? You will have the 3D Warehouse featurefor your reliance. In its entirety, this is basically an assortmentof 3D models which you may download and modify later to generateyour architectural designs. You also get to gain access to manyshared files and designs.

Seamless Compatibility

By all accounts, this software is compatible with a vast range offile types like those of the AutoCAD's .dxf and .dwf files. Courtesyof this compatibility, you will enjoy smooth transitions andoperations at all times of your designs.

An assortment of Built-in Features

Lastly, the software also contains an assortment of built-infeatures. Examples of these are animations, lighting effects, andtextures. You use them to make your final outcomes more presentableand appealing to an end-user. Moreover, it also accommodatesmany plugins which extend its range.


How does SketchUp Automation Tools Work?

SketchUp Automation Tools as their names imply require nomuch effort on your part. Instead, they accept prompts from you andthereafter implement them without any much attention from youthereafter

With these tools, it is possible for you to build models which inturn generate 2D plans. All you have to do is key in the necessaryprompts and the software automatically translates the same to somevisual appearances.

Then, the software also automates layers, scenes, and shadows. Inthis way, it lets you figure out how these issues might arise inreal life. In the course of doing so, the tools maintain a higherdegree of precision which sees to it that you attain accurateoutcomes.

Unlike other automation tools, this one maintains everything youdraw in a parametric so you can change your model any time you wish.This again ensures that all your dimensions are accurate enough asto ward off any inconsistencies.

Pc Tips for Better Workflow on SketchUp Pro Software.

We started out by stating that you need to adhere to some tipswhile utilizing this wonderful automation tool. In this segment ofthe discussions, we now examine the three top PC tips whichhave been noted to guarantee better workflow on the SketchUp ProSoftware.

'LEAVES - The Return' is an artistic exploration and puzzle-adventure filled with real sculptures in a surreal dreamscape. This sequel to 'LEAVES - The Journey' is a stand-alone addition and playable without any knowledge of the first part. Collect and combine, solve a plethora of puzzles and mini games that will challenge your wit and skill. 'Return of the Mack' is a song written and recorded by the British R&B singer Mark Morrison with backing vocals from Angie Brown. The video was released in the United Kingdom in March 1996 and in the United States in February 1997, attracting 110 million views on YouTube by August 2020. Leaves - the return for macbeth. Buy LEAVES - The Return as a Steam Key. 'LEAVES - The Return' is an artistic exploration and puzzle-adventure filled with real sculptures in a surreal dreamscape. This sequel to 'LEAVES - The Journey' is a stand-alone addition and playable without any knowledge of the first part.

Tip #1: Utilize the Components and Groups

While working on your project, you will incorporate a lot ofobjects and models. These take up plenty of space and are largelystrewn apart. To make your life easier, you are advised to utilizethe components and the groups.

This is to prevent a situation where you have to save each file onits own. At the same time, it frees much of the space you wouldotherwise devote to containing those files. Moreover, bundlingindividual components together also makes it easier to access them.Your work will hence be a breeze later.

Tip #2: Alter your Display Styles

The default SketchUp view contains many options which aredeliberately activated. While they allow you to easily juggle yourway, they slow down the software considerably. Moreover, manyoptions are largely irrelevant to you at any given time.

That is why you are strongly advised to alter the display styles.Choose only those ones which are relevant to the task you have athand. For a start, you may consider unchecking the 'Shadow settings'as they are largely irrelevant for many design tasks.

Tip #3: Make use of the shortcuts

Shortcuts, as their name implies, are designed to make your workfaster and more conveniently. It is for this reason that you want tomake use of them extensively. These shortcuts come in various formsand shades.

Though available in many shades and forms, the hotkeys are the mostpopular shortcuts. Apart from prioritizing them, you also want toassign them as favorites. In this way, you will access them fasterand more conveniently later on when you need them.

What is the Difference between SketchUp Pro and SketchUpFree/Make?

For a start, the SketchUp Pro is a premium version of the SketchUpautomation tools. It does contain extra features and capabilitieswhich its free counterpart lacks. This gives it the ability to bringin added benefits and power of imagination to you.

Among these are the ability to import and export work, edit designswhich are generated by foreign automation tools, and add some valueto your drawings, to mention but a few! It does cost a premiumthough and is hence beyond the reach of many who would badly need it

Generally speaking, the SketchUp Free/Make is good for a starter orsomeone who has never attempted to use these kinds of designsoftware before. The SketchUp Pro, on the other hand, is for aprofessional, and in most cases, an experienced user.

SketchUp Pro Software vs. SketchUp Automation Tools Software.

SketchUp Pro Software is mainly useful for handling those taskswhich require extensive use of manual labor. These tasks are simplerin scope though and as such call for much input of physical labor.Being simpler, it is suitable for use by those who have a moderatelevel of expertise.

The SketchUp Automation Tools Software, on the other hand, is meantfor those long and strenuous chores. Being automated, it does notrequire that you put in too much of your effort and attention.Considering that it is complicated, it will need you to beexperienced and full of expertise.

Dynamic Toolbars vs. Static Toolbars.

To implement the various actions and achieve the desired ends, youwill have to make use of some toolbars. These are basically bundlesof icons which when clicked, let you perform certain task andactions. SketchUp Automation Tools Software contains two kinds oftools.

Sketchup Plugins 2d Tools Tutorial

These are the dynamic and the static tools respectively. The dynamictools always move with the arrow to whichever direction wherethe mouse points. They hence cut down the hassles you will otherwisehave to contend with while generating your own designs.

Their static toolbar counterparts, on the other hand, stayfixed in one location, mostly at the top. You will have to gothrough some hassles to be able to have your way. Thankfully, thistoolbar is found only in the basic versions of the software.


It is definitely impossible to exhaust all that the software has instore for you. You must just go ahead and try it out to be able tounderstand it fully and make the most of it. Having done our part,we now leave it to you to purchase and install it? As always, youmay get back to us for further advice and guidance if you happen toget stuck.

Sketchup Plugins 2d Tools Free

How does the [Push/Pull] Function Work

In the course of your designs, you might want to project flat or2D faces or surfaces onto 3D shapes. The push/pull function is theone to use at such times. You engage it merely by clicking as youwould any other kind of tool. After clicking, you move your cursoruntil you obtain the outcome you so desire.

Push Pull Tool Tutorial

The Top 10 Push Pull Functions you should Now before Begin withPainting in SketchUp Pro Software.

How does the [Move Tool] Work?

Move Tool is the one to rely on to change edges and endpoints.Unlike other tools, this one allows you to drag the image usingyour mouse or keyboard arrow keys. You simply click the exact edgeyou are interested in and drag it to alter the shape and dimensionthere of.

Move Tool

With the Move Tool you can Move Models, Stretch Faces, Edges andEnd-Points,Duplicate of the Models is also possible and you canspread it Between Points (Value Distance)

Paint Bucket Tool

With the Paint Bucket Tool you can Fill Faces with Colors orTextures.

Paint Bucket Tool Tutorial

In this Tutorial you will see 8 Useful Tips about the PaintBucket Tool, SeamlessTextures how to use MORE REALISTIC MATERIALS.

Follow Me Tutorial

In this tutorial you will see How you can Make Spheres, Round theEdges

How does the [Follow me Tool] Work?

Contemplating how a 2D face might appear when translated into a3D shape might never be easy. That is why you have to lay yourhand on a tool that can do just that. The ‘Follow Me Tool' willhelp you achieve that very end. You drag it along and in theprocess receive some suggestions.

How does the [Measure Tool] Work?

The measure tool basically calculates the lengths of thedistances between any two points on a structure. Further to thisbasic role, it also lets you generate 3D images chiefly by the useof faces, lines, and midpoints and other essential guides.

To activate it, you choose the ‘Tape Measure' tool by clickingthe icon or pressing the ‘T' key. Settle on a preferred startingpoint of your measurement. Then, move your cursor to thatdirection that you desire. In the course of moving, a temporarymeasuring tape line will stretch from the starting point and giveoff the readings.

Measure Tape Tool Tutorial

In this Tutorial you will see How you can Scale your Measure TapeTool so that you have always the ideal Measure Values, this isuseful for any Planes and Architect Designer Planes.

How does the [Intersect with Model Tool] Work?

It is not uncommon for various features, classes, and dimensionsto intersect or follow certain paths. To be able to generate anawesome design outcome, you have to anticipate these intersectionsbeforehand and make arrangements for them. The Intersect withModel Tool is the one that calculates these intersections.

How does the [2 points Arcs Tool] Work?

As the name implies, this is a tool that lets you generate arcs.Now, arcs are simply curved shapes which form part of a largercircle. To bring about your arc, you set a starting point, endingpoint, and a bulge distance. The software automatically generatesthe arc based on the dimensions you set.

SketchUp Hatching, Lineweights, Line Styles, and More with 2D Tools – Extension of the Week #44

In today's SketchUp extension overview, we review an extension that contains a free suite of tools designed to help you model in two dimensions! Marquardt beauty mask.

2d Drawing Sketchup

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Plugin Information

2d Sketchup Free

Plugin Name: 2D Tools
Plugin Developer: TIG
Plugin Cost: Free!

Sketchup Tool List

Tool Functions –

Download Plugin Sketchup

This tool is basically designed to give you a set of tools that are similar to those found in other CAD packages that help you draw in 2 dimensions. One of the nice features is that TIG has included a comprehensive help file that tells you exactly how each tool in the extension works. You can access this help file by clicking on the question mark icon at the end of the list.
This extension is based around the ability to set a 'Z plane.' The Z plane basically allows you to lock your height above ground for the tools that you're using. For example, I could lock my Z-Plane to the ground plane, or I could set it to a fixed height, like 6', at which point any tool I use would draw specifically on that plane.
You can also set your plane relative to a current plane, meaning you could type in '+24' to set a new plane 24' above the plane you currently have active.
The line tool can be set to generate both lines and guidelines by tapping the control key. In addition, you can create lines as a welded set or individual lines by tapping the alt key.
You can set your Z-plane within this tool as well by tapping the tab key.
The rectangle tool is a 3 point rectangle, meaning you set the length first, before the width, unlike the 2 point built in SketchUp rectangle tool.
The 2D freehand tool allows you to draw a freehand shape, and comes with several other options, like setting the default segment length and the ability to draw a closed loop.
The 2D arc tool gives you several different ways to draw arcs, including adjusting segment counts, arcs by radius, or arcs by angle.
The 2D circle tool allows you to draw both 2 point circles by radius, 2 point circles by diameter, and 3 point circles.
The 2D polygon tool appears to be very close to the circle tool, with the exception of the ability to set the length of a polygon's side.
The facemaker tool creates a face within any set of edges that form a closed loop.
The 2D hatching tool comes with multiple different hatchings (installed with 2D tools) that allow you to create a hatch pattern within a face. You can access the different hatchings by right clicking in open space. These hatchings can then be adjusted in the SketchUp materials manager.
The fillet tool allows you to create a radiused fillet between two edges. This generally means that you can create a curve between two intersecting lines, instead of having them come to a point. You can set the radius of these fillets within this tool.
The 2D adjust tool allows you to trim or extend lines.
The 2D line style allows you to adjust the style of lines in your model. However, you should be careful with this one, as it's not truly a line style tool, as much as it generates a series of groups along a path that you can turn on and off in your layers. Still, it does allow you to generate thicker lines and dotted lines in a SketchUp model.
The 2D text tool allows you to generate text in your model. Unfortunately, this does not appear to allow you to edit the text once it's been created.
The 2D polyline edit tool allows you to edit polylines that you've created.
As you can see, this is a very full-featured set of 2D tools. If you do any kind of work in 2D, whether you create details, or just like more of a CAD interface, there's no reason not to download this extension.

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